Phantasy Star (Wii) Review
This is a milestone game for me. Ever since I discovered Phantasy Star II on the Sega Smash Pack I was instantly a fan. Over time I would continue to play and love everything I could get my hands on for the series, including Phantasy Star 3, 4, Online, Portable (1 and 2), and even Universe and 0. And while I did not finish everything, I always found the first title elusive to even get my hands on… until now.
Bioshock 2 (PC) Review
And once again, we put down the mouse on a game that has sat in my backlog for years. In fact this game sat on my backlog for almost a decade after getting it dirt cheap. At the time I had just finished the previous game and decided it wasn’t so much bad as I was disappointed with the developer repeating themselves… so to get more on the cheap? Why not? So I picked it up and let is sit around to play “one day.”
Sadly, it didn’t work out, as this game is just broken… too broken to enjoy.
2018 is over. Extra Life 2019 begins!
Well, I’m sure you knew this was coming, and while I did take a few days to myself at the beginning of the year, I wasn’t going to make you wait long. If you look to the side of this page, you will see the new thermometer for the new year is up, and that means so is the Red Sector Extra Life team! Come see what the fun is about and help us help the kids in another amazing year! (If you didn’t know 2018 reached $13,000,000, toping every year of the event so far! That’s right, all 8 of them!) But 2019 should be made something special as this is the 10th year of the event! Let’s give’m hell (to help the kids)!
Come on in! You can join up to the event at and be a part of one of the best ways to use your hobby to help the kids!
And thank you, for everything so far, and all that is to come!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (PC) Review
Here we have an older game that fans of will forever love to their dying day, claiming it as a hidden gem in the PC gaming world. Seeing people loving it, I wanted to give it shot myself, but sadly, I think this is simply a game that isn’t for me. Add to this some serious bugs and, this was simply never meant to be.