Wolfenstien II: The New Colossus
Extra Life 2020 Recap
But how was the event itself? Well it spanned the expectation gambit. With everyone working at home, our star player was not able to make this year a record breaker like the last two. So we didn't break four digits this time, bringing in a total of $450. And while this is disappointing, I can't say the same about the total event. Once again in total we are just absolutely SMASHING records, hitting almost $12,500,000 before the big weekend ended. To put this into perspective, last year at this time we were just shy of $10,000,000 and we are right now easily in striking distance of the $15,000,000 total of last year. Everyone involved should be proud of themselves. But if you read this far, you probably want to know the details. So, read on, my friend... read on.
Amnesia: Ribirth (PC) Review
Once in a while hype gets to all of us. It's part of being a gamer or really a fan of anything. Admittedly I've found it harder and harder these days to get hyped up for games "coming soon" between expected delays, development hell, and watching AAA publishers scrambling for the next alternative cash grab as the loot-box scandal exploded in their collective faces. But even now, there are a few names which will get me excited to see on a new game being released soon, none more so then Frictional Games. So knowing this game was going to be mine, I broke my personal rule and pre-ordered it, starting my play-through the night it became available to download. A week later, I had the game finished, and while I loved it for the most part (this isn't a spoiler, I knew I would likely enjoy this), not everything was perfect. I'm not sure what I think about how this adventure closed in on it's ending(s), but... well let's step inside.