It's that time of year again! As the new year starts to move forward we are throwing forward again to take part in Extra Life. For those not in the know, Extra Life is a charity event that happens every year where gamers from around the world come together to help sick children in our local hospitals. Starting in 2008 with a single website and a single hospital, the event has grown to the point of breaking $16,000,000 last year alone to help these. And that is despite the current pandemic we still find ourselves in! And with the new year, the even has begun again. I have been honored to be a part of this since year zero personally and as of today setup the site so my team can begin again!
So how does it work? Very simply. Gamers sign up to the website and begin raising money for the hospital of their choice (all handled by the Children's Miracle Network) and in November we celebrate with endurance for our hobby... a 24 hour gaming marathon. Generally you will find most gamers will hold their event on the 6th this year, but of course, gamers are nothing if not adaptive, so expect some to pick different days, or even more then one!
Does this sound fun to you? Great! Then now's the time to go to the Extra Life website for more information and I can only hope to see you out there! However, if you are not a gamer or just want to help us help the hospitals we are playing for, first and foremost, thank you so much. Second, you can find our team's link right here:
Thank you again and hope to see you out there!