When I finished my first Amnesia game, I wanted more, so I had this immediately on my wishlist where it would be snapped up during a winter sale. Sadly since then it would sit in my backlog as I let the dice controll what was next and give every game a fair shake.... but this week it's wait would finally come to an end. And let me tell you right now, this is one game that has stood the test of time. Come on in.
The Talos Principle 2: Road to Elysium
Extra Life 2024 marathon is tomorrow.
We are finally here and tomorrow morning, the big day begins. As always I am absolutely excited to do this and plan to start streaming at 8AM Eastern time, not stopping till the same time Sunday. It will be a long time, but it will be a fun time, and it will make a difference. After all that is why we do this, right? But what am I talking about? Extra Life and the 24(5?) hour gaming marathon! If you do not know what this is, well sit down a while and let's talk.
Over the past year, gamers from around the globe have signed up for this, where we all selected a children's hospital to help directly. With this singular goal in mind, we have collected and given donations via the children's miracle network throughout the year, and now we get to celebrate the effort with one massive push called Game Day. And that is tomorrow, when gamers from around the world in the name helping these sick kids, will start playing and not stop for 24 hours... well 25 hours in this case (daylight savings is this weekend too).
Simple? I hope you see it so, cause it is to me too... I am very thankful I get to be a part of this every year and have been since it began... since before even Children's Miracle Network got involved and it was in honor of one young lady who lost her fight with cancer in Texas, to thank the hospital who tried to help her, as well as help them to be able to do more for those who followed. Back then we were just a website of gaming nerds who wanted to help and do something... but if you want the story of this, I think the official site can offer a better window then I, so please come check that out.
But even as time draws in and we clearly have a lot to be thankful for, these kids can always use more help, so before the big event, I am asking you, help us help them. If you want to take up the mantle yourself, you can sign up and take donations right through the end of the year at www.extra-life.org and believe me, the more who do this the better these kids will be.
If you don't feel like you want to play yourself (this weekend or a rain date) you can always also donate to a player who is. All donations go through the Children's Miracle Network to the hospital that player is playing for. I myself play for Boston Children's Hospital and if you wanted to help me help them, I am beyond humbled. You can find our team page link at the top of this blog, or you can find my own page right here if you are so inclined (Ill list at the bottom of this post too). Again, any help you can give is more then welcome and more then helpful for those who need it most.
But I'm not going to preach about this here, not so close to the goal. Rather this is an open invitation. Come on in and join on the fun! Once I start up tomorrow, I will be constantly rolling till I crash the next morning, and you are welcome to join me at any time during! So please, get comfy and enjoy with me!
Thank you,
- Extra Life home page
- The Red Sector's Team page (Stream will be visible here)
- Megabyte's Extra Life page (Stream will be visible here)
- Bookhobo's Extra Life page