Well, it was a matter of time, really. And how much time often depends on the company. But whenever the newest model comes out, a company eventually stops supporting the old model. Yesterday, it was announced to the world that it won’t be long before the remaining online functionality for the Wii as well as all the online functionality of the original DS will be turned off. In both cases this means Nintendo will be the first company shutting down their online offerings on their last gen consoles.
Saturday Morning RPG (PC) Review
“You’ve got the touch! You’ve got the power! When all Hell’s breaking loose you’ll be riding the eye of the storm!”
Do you know the title of the song? Did you hear it in your head when you read this? Were you singing the song with? If so, then you definitely want to step inside, as this game was made just for you.
Seriously, Activision? Couldn’t You Just Leave Bay Out of This?
If’ you’ve seen the video, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If not, have a look:
Notice something about this trailer? Something glaring, off-putting, and a warning of what might be coming? You are not alone.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC) Review
Sometimes, you just have to play the classics. And knowing I had missed this title in favor of Deus Ex (still my all time favorite title) back in the day, this was a game I knew I would have to eventually get my hands on. However, I also knew that the game is notoriously buggy on anything later then Windows XP. So imagine my surprise when I heard the game was being released in a collection with the sequel! Finally! A version of the game cleaned up and working on newer computers the way they were meant to be played! And at $20 for both this and it’s sequel, how could I say no?
Well, as I finish up the game, I wish I had known better dropping the cash on it. Everything I wanted out of it pretty much did not happen, leaving me with the same buggy mess I would have had had I played the old CD-ROM edition of it my brother owned. I guess for historical points it’s still worth having as the last thing released by Lucas Arts before being shut down, but, I would not really recommend this one. Not when we have moved on so far in the genre, and frankly, I can imagine alphas more stable then this.