Well, officially, Extra Life began within the first week of January (and probably the 1st), but for us at the Red Sector, it begins now. We have settled into the new year and it’s time to return. If you want to help us, there is a brand new thermometer on the side of the page which will lead you to the team donation page. And update, Extra-Life has heard the complaints! Clicking the big green donate page will now open a wizard to take you through the process of donating in the team’s name!
At this time, however, we are still VERY early in the year, so as much as donations are welcome (and if you choose to help us, thank you so much, from me, from my team, and from the kids we will work together to help), right now I think it’s more about recruiting. So how about it? Do you want to help kids out in your local hospital? Do you want to do so by playing video games? If this sounds good to you, please come check out www.extra-life.org and get the details! And thank you for your time.
But I believe on that note, I have a very long over-due recap for the 2017 event, so come on inside if you are interested in that.