While I can not say this is the deepest dive into my backlog I have ever seen happen, here we do have a game that's been hanging out there a few years. In this case, it was an already cheap game that intrigued the hell out of me, and was made even cheaper as part of a Halloween sale on steam. Turns out, I found an oddball that wasn't afraid to get dark, but still had real heart and soul behind it. But enough of the puns, come on in.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) Review
This time we have a game that has been hiding in the backlogs for many many years. Way back in the day I had bought a PSP for the soul purpose of playing two games: Phantasy Star Portable and the recently released remake of Persona. But to have a console and not play more the two games is an absolute waste, so I would pick up other titles during it's life. Unfortunately I did not get to play them all over the lifespan of that machine, but it would hint at it's own demise coming, so I had time to prepare, ripping my library to file form so I could eventually play them all anyway. Today this should have paid off with an interesting view of how the events of Final Fantasy VII were set into motion. But I am sorry to say, it did not. I found myself bored by it to be quite honest.
Now before we begin, I have to admit, just as the above suggests, I did not play this game on the PSP. Rather well after my actual hardware died, I played via emulation ripped from my original copy, so my experience could well be different then yours. But with that in mind, step inside.