When this game came out, everyone simply loved it, no matter what they played it on. For me, however, I honestly got the impression from the trailers that it was trying to be “Dark Half-Life” or something, and while I was interested in playing it, I knew it wasn’t a game I had to play right away. As a result it wound up something I picked up in a sale and then landed in the dark void known as the “steam backlog.” (And every PC gamer who reads this is now nodding their heads knowing EXACTLY what I mean.) Fast forward to now and I found myself expecting to be playing nothing but the newest titles in my “must play” list. However, that was not to be due to delays and in one case, the demo of a game being so underwhelming it dropped away. So, with some time to visit that void, I pulled this title out of it… and, I should not have ignored it for so long.
Gamers Are Going to Have to Step Up 3: Fear of Bad Press
I really wish I was done writing these kind of articles, but as always, the SJWs who control the websites I have yet to go back to made it necessary once again. You see, as much as #Gamergate has been going on for over a year now and even won it’s major objectives (how many sites now don’t have a ethics policy?) there is still an ongoing culture war over video games. Looking over stories in the past year, you can see signs of it in things from forcing a joke on a random gravestone in Pillars of Eternity to be changed, to Lionhead Studios being forced to apologize for an image from Fable to being on their website YEARS LATER, even just the announcement of Final Fantasy VII being remade being enough to get demands for Tifa to get a breast reduction before we see any art work, but just a teaser at E3.
Pneuma: Breath of Life (Xbox One) Review
It’s been a while since I played through a game on the Xbox One. In fact the last time was early this year when we all played through Halo: The Master Chief Collection. And while the games on that collection were good on their own, that specific disc of them was found fairly lacking. And since then, the system has pretty much served me for Youtube, to chat with my brothers who use the system religiously, and as a BluRay player. I have not found myself playing it since just yet.
And then came Extra Life. Originally I had no intention of playing this game on the big day, as we were having guests over and I wanted as much social gaming as possible. But for whatever reason while I had chosen to test the capability of my main media machine’s streaming with this game. Now before anyone argues, yes, I know the Xbox One can do it on it’s own, but that is not the only console I have or expected to play with. It was just the one I had on at the time. And while playing around with it, it struck me… this was a game I was going to play through. And when everyone started to pass out at around 22 hours, I decided to continue my journey. I do not regret that choice, or the choice of finishing my marathon with this gorgeous title.
The Yawhg (PC) Review
As I’m sure you are aware, last weekend was the big one for Extra Life, and we at the Red Sector celebrated in traditional fashion. But in my traditional fashion, I prepared a lot more games then we wound up actually playing. But as the evening went on, we got to a small game I picked up on sale called the Yawhg. I already went in expecting something simple, but dark humored. Come on in and see what we got.
Extra Life 2015 Recap
The big weekend of Extra Life is now past us, and before we begin, I must apologize for the delay in this recap, even if it couldn’t be helped. But I will go into detail later. Suffice it to say, I really could only begin writing on this one about 3-4 days after we had finished.
Still, I'm sure the first thing on everyone’s mind is “How did we do?” Well, I think I can sum it up in one word: Phenomenal.
Extra Life Begins!
In mere hours, the big marathon is about to begin. As mentioned in several previous articles, today we begin Extra Life, a gaming marathon to help sick children around the world. As we get ready in the final hours, I have to once again say we are honored to be a part of this, and it’s still not too late to either donate to the cause OR enter into the raffle we are hold of Steam Games. If you haven’t donated yet to this event, you can do so by clicking the thermometer on the right of this site, selecting the member you want to donate to and clicking the donate button. And remember, tonight there will be a raffle where we will be giving away the games listed below. But before we list that, we have a few other links to offer:
http://www.twitch.tv/twitchwithjoe: Literal family of the site. They too will be playing in this marathon.
http://www.twitch.tv/megabyte114: our own steaming site. We will be doing as much of this marathon live as possible.
Now, onto the game list.