It’s been a couple of months since we last checked in and the big marathon is drawing ever nearer. To update, we have now begun our part for the 100 Days of Gaming for Extra Life. And yes, there is finally a web-page for it!
Over the last 39 days (as I will be playing for day 40 well after writing this), we have already finished 3 titles completely and finished with a few more. There have been highs and lows already, but we are not even halfway there so expect more to come! If you wish to see as it happens, we’ve been streaming every day at my own twitch channel. This is going to continue right up until and during the big day. And if you want to see what has happened so far, my youtube channel for this site has a playlist dedicated to this year’s event. You can have a look at that right here.
As always, it’s been an amazing journey, both in the worlds we get to share with you as well as the good we can do for sick kids in this one. And as always, Im asking if you would get involved and help us all take this one. If the idea of playing games yourself to help the kids sounds good, then please take a visit at the Extra Life main page. All the details are there as well as how to sign up. The big marathon is only 2 months away, but we are here helping kids every day of the year. If, however you want to help us directly, well… that’s a humbling honor all it’s own, but you can find our team page here and by the thermometer on the side of the page.
Thank you again, and game on, my friends. Game one.