Meteor 60 Seconds! (PC) Review


Sometimes, you just have to follow your curiosity. This game showed up in games recommended to me, and while I could tell it was going to be a very lean and simple game, I couldn’t resist finding out how my last minute would be spent. As such, I added it to my games to play for the bargain price of “free.” Now that I’ve played it, I can’t say that was a bad decision.

Story: You saw it announced on the news. NASA just revealed to the world that an asteroid is about to hit planet Earth and kill everyone! So how long do we have? About 1 minute before all life is over. What will you do with your last minute on this planet?

screen 1

And while this game has only one real twist, it does offer you 9 possible endings based on your actions. Is it deep? No, but it is amusing, and for a game as short as this, you can ask for little else.


Graphics: This game looks like a flash game. I can’t describe it any other way. The opening menu is incredible basic with art that looks like it could have been made out of paper cutouts with a generic text fonts across the rectangles that make up the menu. It looks cheap.

screen 3

Once in the game, however, it does get a little better, taking to a simple, but clean cartoon look across both the cutscenes and the game itself. And while the game never stops looking like flash, it fits this style much better.

What doesn’t fit better, though is the interface. The moment the game really begins, it becomes obvious this game is a mobile port, complete with the interface buttons taking up massive space on the screen, marring what would have been an otherwise very smart looking game overall.


Sound: With the limited time of this game, there is very little need for a variaety of sound. In fact, the whole production’s audio department boils down to a couple of upbeat music tracks, something light for the beginning of (most) endings, a single “READY” voice clip, and literally 6 sound effects to cover anything that can happen in this game. That is it, the entire list. BUT it just fits the total package, Nothing here sounds low-quality and it covers everything that can happen. There is just no room for much more.


Gameplay: This game is played as a side-scrolling 2D title where you have 60 seconds to play. You share the world with a bunch of generic guys and girls who you can run by, beat to death, or kiss as you desire. Some will fight back (to either action depending on who they are) and you manipulate this to effect how the game ends with (as noted in the story section of the review) 9 possible endings. You can not die until you earn an ending or 60 seconds have passed, so you can feel free to toy with the people and things in the environment to figure it out. But if you need help, the game offers a list of endings and a hint for each once you’ve finished your first one, so you should always have an idea of what you are supposed to do.

screen 2

However, there is no mistaking even to fill only 60 seconds of gameplay, this game is fairly limited. You will have a total of five scenes in which to manipulate the world or create mayhem, so you can easily run across everything with time to spare, limiting your options. But the space is not the only limitation, but rather the interface itself limits you a lot as well. You have no jumping button at all, and when you do find the last weapon in the game, it doesn’t get a button to go with it, but demands you use it by clicking it on the screen, pushing the feel of a ported mobile game all the more.

As a result, the game is clever, but feels flawed. Not flawed enough to ruin literally anything, but flawed all the same.


Bugs: This game ran very well, but I did find one potential bug. I say potential because it either is one, or the most lazy port I’ve seen in a good long while.

  • Controllers do not work: This is a really weird issue, but when you start the game, you are treated to a window asking you what graphic mode and resolution you want to run it on (hint, graphic mode doesn’t matter at all). However, there is another panel that allows you to map your controls, which lists controller buttons as well. I do not know if you can change ANY controls, but the controller ones are an outright lie. This game has no support for this. Now being a PC game, there are plenty of ways around this, BUT it’s clear the game shows a feature that is non-existent.

Overall: Do not come here looking for much depth. There is a great twist and a surprising amount of endings for such a small game, but there is little depth to go with it. However, if you want a quick laugh, this game delivers in spades. It will take you about 30-50 minutes to get all the endings and be done, but for a free game, this is far from a bad thing. Sit back, relax, and enjoy it, warts and all.



System Requirements:

  • 1.8 Ghz processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • As long as it can use Direct X 9.0c, it’s good enough
  • Windows XP or later
  • 150 MB of hard drive space

System Specs:

  • AMD A8-9600 Radeon R7 APU (3.1 Ghz)
  • 16 GB RAM   
  • Windows 10

Source: Steam

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