Hi everybody! Taking a break from the game reviews to remind you the
Extra Life 24-hour gaming marathon is JUST around the corner! No, really we are down to the last few weeks before the big event is on November 7th and will be here before you know it! So once again, especially this year if you can help, I must ask you to join us in our effort to help the sick kids of the world, in our and your backyards. And the best way is to get out there, setup and get donations in the final push to help the kids. Go click the link above, sign up, and help. Of course if you can't on the 7th that's ok too! Pick a weekend that works for you and your crew (because we can assure you, doing this as a group is ALWAYS better) and go at it!
If you want to help us help the kids or don't really game, you honor us. Our team is reachable by the thermometer on the right-hand side of the page. Come on in, feel at home.
Oh and one last detail for you all. Due to the sickness going around, my group is meeting virtually instead of in person, so we are looking to setup a group stream. I will be providing a link (probably with www.multitwitch.tv) once we are ready here in this page, on the FB page, and even on my twitch channel description. So despite being apart, we will be in a group.
Since this is likely going to be the last Extra Life update before the big event, good luck to all of you and LETS HELP THESE KIDS OUT!
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