Once again we are dealing with a game added to my backlog via my time subscribed to the Humble Bundle. In this case I was interested to see this as the early game in the month since all the buzz around it had my curiosity, but I wasn't ready to pick it up. Let me just say I'm glad that's how I got it because there is no way in HELL it's worth the asking price... and that the developer thinks it is is just the first hint of how up his own ass this developer must have been when making this. Let's step inside.
Quantum Break (PC) Review
This is not a game I was ever going to buy on my own. It looked interesting, sure, but between tech issues as a game written in Microsoft's UWP platform and a single player game that demanded you use the network to stream videos, I was pretty soured on actually spending money on it. And while things did improve with the game moving to Steam, I still wasn't about to buy it without a huge discount. And thanks to Humble Bundle, I didn't have to. Now as I finish up, I'm glad the game just about literally fell into my lap. I would have missed out on one hell of an adventure.
The Park (PC) Review
Another game with some history with me, but not on the same level as other games. Rather it is through an MMO I need to get back to some day called The Secret World. This game was sold as a short story in it's universe, so of course I wanted in. And getting to play it as a show-off title to try to make more people away of Extra Life was an added bonus! But I finished it in a single session, and while I enjoyed it, this is probably for the best.
Shivers (PC) Review
A few old memories lead me to this game. Back then my little brother had bought it, thinking it would be a good horror game to play chasing around ghosts like a bug-catcher. I don't think we played much of it, though, as we just wound up walking away confused. Looking back, I chalked it up to us being idiot kids who were much more into twitch-bang-shootie games then it actally not being very good, so I wanted to give it a fair shake. And since it was re released cheap on GOG.com, I decided to give it a shot again. It was absolutely awesome as it started up, filled with 90s cheese and actually intelligent puzzles to progress... but lets just call this a bubblegum game. It lost it's taste well before I was done chewing.