Cheers and welcome! As we move along through the year, these periodic updates are all part and part here at the Red Sector. After all, we are trying to help sick kids, so it's important we keep it in the back of our mind.
But if you are new to the site, you probably are wonder what I'm even talking about. Well welcome aboard and welcome to the magnificent cause know as "Extra Life." In essence Extra Life is a charity drive run by the Children's Miracle Network where throughout the year gamers gather to raise money to help their local hospitals. We here at the Red Sector are no different and personally, it's been my honor to be a part of this since year zero.
So how do you get involved? Well, it's easy. The Extra Life link above will lead you to the page where you can read up on the details and sign up to help sick kids! Pick your local hospital and off you go! Then come November, we hit the big push and the big celebration at the same time when we partake in "Game Day," a massive 24 hour marathon around the globe. For most gamers, this will be November 4th, but of course there will be those who need to do this on a rain-date. Due to family, this will likely be the case here as well.
So what are you waiting for? Come join the fun and feel good doing it! But if you are not a gamer yourself or would rather help us help kids, let me just say Thank you... after all, it's because of people like you that we can do this and make it matter to these kids. You can find our team page either on the side menu to this page or right here. Clicking the donate button will let you pick who to donate under and therefor which hospital to help. (This is NOT a competition... we are here to help kids, and all help is welcome. But you do have that much control over your donation, so it was worth mentioning.)
As for what we've been up to on this end? We've been playing up the games, of course. On Rhel's part, she's been very busy streaming and if you see our team page stream active, it's probably hers. (I would also recommend visiting her stream directly as well (which you can from the side menu where our stream pages are listed). She's really good and building a solid community for herself. Hell I will likely see you in there.
As for my own activity, I've taken a slower approach to streaming, basically doing so on weekends. My goal is to show off the games you may see or play yourself on the big day, never playing the same game twice. If this sounds fun to you, feel free to join me as well! Of course if we are both on, you can check it all out via a multitwitch link and however you visit, I hope to see you out there.
But on that note it is time for me to get bring this entry to a close. Thank you for listening lets make a difference for the ones who need it most.
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