I do not remember when I picked this game up. It was always a game that could easily grab my curiosity, but I honestly do not remember when I got my hands on it. Still when the dice called it up, I figured "why not?" and installed it to my media center machine. About a week later, I think I can see why. A real shame, too. There is a lot of love put into making this one making me wish I could be kinder to it. But a dud is still a dud. Enough of one that I did not finish the game, but merely gave it the 8 hours I warrant before calling it quits.
DEX (PC) Review
RiME (PC) Review
This game is a first. While I have yet to put a dime into the Epic Games Store, I have been watching and collecting from the games they give away for free for a while now, collecting about 40 free titles in the process. (No, before you ask, I do not have and refuse to get Fortnite.) But up till now, those freebies have basically been sitting in my backlog waiting to be played. This week, the dice called on this game, the first of those titles I would open up and seriously play. It only took a few days to finish, but needless to say if I wasn't able to get this free, I probably would have never tried it... and I would have definitely missed out.
Wolfenstien II: The New Colossus
Extra Life 2020 Recap
But how was the event itself? Well it spanned the expectation gambit. With everyone working at home, our star player was not able to make this year a record breaker like the last two. So we didn't break four digits this time, bringing in a total of $450. And while this is disappointing, I can't say the same about the total event. Once again in total we are just absolutely SMASHING records, hitting almost $12,500,000 before the big weekend ended. To put this into perspective, last year at this time we were just shy of $10,000,000 and we are right now easily in striking distance of the $15,000,000 total of last year. Everyone involved should be proud of themselves. But if you read this far, you probably want to know the details. So, read on, my friend... read on.
Amnesia: Ribirth (PC) Review
Once in a while hype gets to all of us. It's part of being a gamer or really a fan of anything. Admittedly I've found it harder and harder these days to get hyped up for games "coming soon" between expected delays, development hell, and watching AAA publishers scrambling for the next alternative cash grab as the loot-box scandal exploded in their collective faces. But even now, there are a few names which will get me excited to see on a new game being released soon, none more so then Frictional Games. So knowing this game was going to be mine, I broke my personal rule and pre-ordered it, starting my play-through the night it became available to download. A week later, I had the game finished, and while I loved it for the most part (this isn't a spoiler, I knew I would likely enjoy this), not everything was perfect. I'm not sure what I think about how this adventure closed in on it's ending(s), but... well let's step inside.
Crescent Bay (PC) Review
I think this game is officially a first for me. As I write this, I have officially finished a "lost" game of sorts. You see, it was a game I got back when I was subscribed to Humble Bundle's monthly subscription, so I could install and play this one. However, the game was never sold in any store (even Humble Bundle) and even now, the only place the game is still readily available is the Trove on that service, so only subscribers can get their hands on it. But is it worth that hunt? I am honestly not so sure.
Extra Life October update

If you want to help us help the kids or don't really game, you honor us. Our team is reachable by the thermometer on the right-hand side of the page. Come on in, feel at home.
Oh and one last detail for you all. Due to the sickness going around, my group is meeting virtually instead of in person, so we are looking to setup a group stream. I will be providing a link (probably with www.multitwitch.tv) once we are ready here in this page, on the FB page, and even on my twitch channel description. So despite being apart, we will be in a group.
Since this is likely going to be the last Extra Life update before the big event, good luck to all of you and LETS HELP THESE KIDS OUT!
Alan Wake (PC) Review
I remember when this game was announced. Originally, it was supposed to be a PC game Remedy was making, but it wasn't long before Microsoft partnered with them, announcing it was coming out for the Xbox 360 as well, until finally it had migrated to being a 360 exclusive and released in 2010. It would arrive as a port on PC a few years later. By this time excitement for the game had come and gone, including my own, but my interest was still there to an extent. As such, it became another game to add to the backlog on a sale over the years. But now it has finally become time for the writer's story to shine. But did it? Well, kinda... but it's not that simple.
Dead Space 3 (PC) Review
The Last Door: Season 2 (PC) Review
It wasn't that long ago we were in this position with the the first part of this title. I still do not know when or why I picked up the first part, but this one was on sale for a deep discount around the time I finished it so it was a no-brainer considering how much I enjoyed it. Now a little over a month later, we have finally reached the end of the story started back then. It's rare I get to a sequel this quickly, but if anything, I would probably recommend playing the two even closer then this. In fact, you should probably play these back-to-back.
Dreaming Sarah (PC) Review
Cave Story (Wii) Review
The Last Door (PC) Review
I do not remember when I picked this title up. I wish I could say I did and why I had to have it, but I honestly don't know. What I do know is I have a taste for "mess with your head" horror, so when the dice rolled this game among the possible to start, it was one of the more interesting choices int he list. I decided "what the hell" and hit install.
And while the game started slow, it was just a false start... this is a hidden gem for horror fans. Come on inside.
Extra Life Update
Hi everyone! I believe we are due for an update on the Extra-Life front. It's been a few months and as such a few months closer to the big marathon! As always I look forward to it, but we have a lot of ground to cover before we get there. After all, the 2019 campaign broke records yet again, this time breaking $15,000,000 for the year! Despite the effort of skript-kiddies to DDOS the event, we still broke the record by over $2,000,000! And if you wish to see the breakdown of just what the Children's Miracle Network with this, click the link.
But this year is going to prove our most challenging yet as people the world over have been dealing with the lockdowns to try to keep COVID-19 from spreading. Many people are now out of work and their jobs may be lost to preventative measures. And while people staying home have made gaming a much bigger thing as of late, it also changes the environment in which we will be trying to help the children out this year. But I can't help but think we are up for the challenge. As if to prove the matter, early April still saw the big event of Extra Life United occur as they quickly shifted gears and brought the tournaments into the virtual realm, still bringing in almost $400,000 to help the children. Everyone involved should be absolutely proud of themselves!
And finally, though we have been quiet, we have not been inactive. At this time my team has already brought in $125. A small amount compared to our records, to be sure, but we are moving with the goal of breaking last year's record of almost $1,600 for the team. And we will need your help to do so. How do you help? Well you can reach our page by either clicking the thermometer on the right-side of this page or click here to each our team page. In there, there is a donate button, and picking the player will pick which hospital you wish to help directly.
Thank you in advance for helping us out, and see you out there in the games.
Syndicate (2012) PC Review
When this title came out, it showed me a few things. First the trailers were my introduction to something called "dub-step." This turned out to be not my thing, but a new style of music is a new style of music. Nor was it the worst thing as it also brought up memories of the old game of the same name. I was never great at the game, but I loved it's take on a dystopian corporate run cyberpunk world where your place is as much about the hardware installed under your skin as who signs your paychecks. Suffice it to say, I was curious about this new iteration, but between reviews and price, I decided to wait on it.
A few years down the line the game proved very unpopular, but my curiosity was unsated... so when I found it for $5, I picked it up. Glad it was that cheap, because believe me, it probably wasn't even worth that.
Grim Dawn (PC) Review
When I picked up this game, I did so with curiosity. After all, before Game's Workshop got around to it, this game instantly looked like it could be an action RPG take on their dark fantasy game with cover art suggesting you might play an inquisitor in such a scenario. And while I certainly called the world this game builds, everything else came as a surprise, and an absolute joy. So stick around and read!
The 13th Doll: A Fan Game of the 7th Guest (PC) Review
I have been waiting a long time for this. I had heard of this game back when it was being made as a fan creation to be released for free over a decade ago, and having been a fan of the franchise since the early 90s, I was instantly eager to see where it went. I won't say I was hyped at the time, for I knew it was still early in development and when a game is made as a hobby, it can take a very long time no matter how good the results might be.
While we waited, a lot changed, including the game becoming an officially licensed project despite still naming itself as a "fan game." And then finally it happened. Last Halloween we finally saw the game drop in full. Sadly it came out as a buggy mess by most reports, so I left it alone at the time. But a few weeks ago, it went on sale after the devs had time to fix it... and I took the plunge for what is likely going to be the last game in the series we ever get.
Resident Evil: Revelations (PC) Review
EDIT: With Capcom's move to add DRM to their old games, they have proven a will to ruin their old stuff, which I can not support. When the DRM (Enigma Protector) is triggering antiviruss all over the place because of it's relation to straight up MALWARE, I am calling it. Consider this game and any other Capcom game broken (0/10) until further notice.
Super Amazing Wagon Adventure (PC) Review
Not every game worth playing is a huge cinematic AAA experience or an RPG game you will spend dozens (and maybe hundreds) of hours completing. Sometimes something much smaller and much more experimental falls in your lap and just begs to be looked into. And when you see one that takes it's inspiration from Oregon Trail and promises to go absolutely insane, you take a second look.
Human Resource Machine (PC) Review
There are studios who leave their mark with you, even in their first game. With their rather odd but unmistakable style, quirky way of weaving a meta-story, and even unique choice of game sensibilities, the Tomorrow Company has made themselves one of these studios to me. Having loved both of their games before this one (World of Goo and Little Inferno), I knew I would be playing this one in due time too. But I'm afraid this game might be just a bit weaker then the last few.
2000 to 1: a Space Felony (PC) Review
Curiosity is a powerful drug. And with a name like this showing up one day in the Humble Bundle, how could I not be curious about it? Still it could not outshine what I was playing at the time, so it went into the backlog for a couple years. But among my online groups it turns out I was not the only one curious about this title... so let's see what the hell is going on.
Let the Extra Life 2020 run begin!
Hi everyone! Welcome and the title says it all! Here at the Red Sector, we have have already begun raising cash for Extra Life and formed our own team. And today we are making our official announcement.
If you do not know what it is, Extra Life is a charity run by the Children's Miracle Network where gamers from around the world raise money for their local children's hospitals and culminating in a 24 hour marathon in November. This year the marathon will happen on November 7th to be exact.
This early in the event, donations are indeed nice, but before even that, we want to see you take part. Are you a gamer who wants to use your hobby for good? Not some social justice bullshit, but legitimately play games to do some good for kids who legitimately need your help? This is an amazing way to do so, and all the details are here at www.extra-life.org. And if you wish to help us, well... thank you. Our team page is reachable by that thermometer image on the right-side of our page.
Thank you everyone.
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (PC) Review
I have not had a lot of experience with games by the venerable game studio Falcom. In fact before now, I had only ever played the first two Y's games. But my first encounter with them happened at a much much younger age. I was a tiny kid during the age of the original NES, and at times a game would come along with a mysterious enough concept that that alone would at least draw my attention for a while. Faxanadu was one of those games. I never got to play it, but I remember watching a friend play before having to go home one day. At the time, my curiosity was satisfied and I moved on...
At least I did until I found Xanadu Next was part of a sale on gog.com. My curiosity peaked, I found not only that the NES game that grabbed that same curiosity was a spinoff from a series I never even knew existed, but there was another such spin-off that instantly felt more familiar to me from the trailer: Tokyo Xanadu eX+. At the time I left both games alone as my backlog was kinda large for a game who's place in the main timeline I couldn't even guess as well as another more enticing, but full price title. Then Tokyo Xanadu eX+ went on a steep sale. And I promised myself I play it next as I picked it up. I kinda lied a bit to myself due to news at E3: PSO2 coming out in the west demanded this title wait till I was done with Ragol. But as soon as I finished with Phantasy Star Online, it was time to install.
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition (PC) Review
This is not the first time I have played this game. In fact, not only is the first time I played also here on this very site, but it was the first game I ever played on the ill-fated WiiU. And back then, I absolutely loved it, even as I had some serious issues with it on a technical level. But over time looking back, I found myself disappointed with the support the game (and console in general) received. While other platforms had DLC campaigns to extend the game itself, they were never even offered to Nintendo's system.
But then the Humble Bundle came through and suddenly I found myself with not only the PC release, but the "Deathinitive edition" containing technical updates, game balance updates, and most importantly, all three DLC campaigns. Coming back was inevitability.... but was it worth the time?