The Legend of Kyrandia Book 3: Malcolm's Revenge (PC) Review

At last we have it! The final episode to the Kyrandia Trilogy! I started playing these games years ago for the 2016 Extra Life marathon, and now I can finally say I finished the series. But was it a worthy end to the series?

The Fall Part 2: Unbound (PC) Review

I do not know when I picked this game up, but I certainly know why I did. The first game was not the most impressive thing to me, but it was intriguing, especially as a story of survival, not from the point of view of the human who needed help, but the AI who's whole goal in life was to protect and ensure that life would go on. So to see it go on, it really was only a matter of time before I picked up a controller for this one too. And yes, it was worth the trip....

Anna's Quest (PC) Review

I believe when I picked this game up, I was a bit deceived. The trailer and even the opening of the game hints at a nice dark tale that might just be more about surviving and a touch of horror. This... is simply untrue. Rather you are about to play a much more standard-fair fairytale about a little girl in a magic kingdom. Yes, that is very oversimplified look, but as a quick recap, it's still pretty accurate... and yet, I can't say I'm sorry I gave this game a try. Come on in and see for yourself.